Why the NIH Funding Freeze Matters
NIH Funding Indivisible ATL NIH Funding Indivisible ATL

Why the NIH Funding Freeze Matters

The economic impact of federal funding is huge, and states with robust research profiles see a large monetary ROI from those funds. Nationwide, every dollar invested in NIH results in $2.46 of economic activity.  A snapshot at the state level shows that in FY 2023, the state of Georgia had $780M in NIH funding, supporting 11,816 jobs and resulting in $2.18B of economic activity. Universities and hospitals in the Atlanta metro area dominate the list of top NIH recipients, with 7 of the 9 listed spots. By every metric, then, whether we look at it nationally, state-wide, or hyperlocally in Atlanta, NIH funding matters a great deal to our economic stability.

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